Secular Hub

GuideStar Seal of Transparency The Secular Hub is a place to meet secular people for a broad range of activities that encourage learning, critical thinking, altruism, and fellowship. We are a chapter of the American Humanist Association (AHA). Support the Hub by joining or make a donation today.

Please donate online to our Building Fund through the PayPal Giving Fund using your credit card by clicking this link. Thank you for your support!

See What We Do!

Special Events

Check our Upcoming Events Section for our regularly scheduled events!

Below is just an example of one of our prior Monthly talks.

For additional interesting YouTube Videos go to:

Secular Hub on YouTube

Drop by for Coffee & Community
Coffee & Community at 254 Knox Ct

Every Sunday at 10:00am

Please join us every Sunday morning for Coffee and Community, live and in-person.

The Hub will have the coffee and cold drinks ($ donations accepted) and feel free to bring your own snacks to share. All of us bring the conversation. Hope to see you there!

Check our Upcoming Events Section for more events!


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Subscribe to our free newsletter.


For those of us fortunate enough to have disposable income, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to preserve this valuable resource. How does the Hub benefit you and what is this space worth to you personally?

You can donate online through the PayPal Giving Fund using your credit card by clicking this link. Thank you for your support!

Or, if you prefer, you can mail a check made out to Secular Hub Building Fund to:

Secular Hub, Inc
P.O. Box 2519
Denver, CO 80201

Join Us
Secular Hub

Since February 2013, the Secular Hub has provided a non-profit community center for the secular community. At its core, the Hub is two things:

A physical meeting space for secular groups in the community.

An organization that sponsors activities focused on building a secular community, advancing reason, critical thinking, and giving back through education and altruism.

The idea of a “secular community” may seem foreign to some. No single doctrine unites our varied members and partners, yet we share a lot in common. The Secular Hub exists to help explore both those commonalities and our differences… to create an environment in which you can feel welcome and find support… to build, strengthen, and empower our diverse community to accomplish more together than we can alone. The Hub is just the tool. You are the builder.

Most of our events are open to the public, but, if you like what you see and wish to join us as a member and support the Secular Hub just click here to join today.

Secular Scouts

We are a family friendly group that supports scouting.

For more information about the Secular Scouts troop, click here .

Looking for a Secular Recovery Program?

Please visit our partner organization websites for more information and meeting calendars:

Freethinkers In AA