Morality Matters: Abortion

When: Sat, Feb 8, 2025 at 2:00pm

Secular Hub
254 N. Knox Ct.
Denver, co, 80219

This month we will discuss abortion. Specifically, we are going to review how a Science of Morality can be used to determine a sound moral position on abortion.

Should you be for or against abortion? What are the main components we must take into account when we are considering abortion? What is the sound, demonstrable, and therefor correct moral answer?

During our discussion we will use science and the scientific method, as it applies to morality, to better understand: personhood, bodily autonomy, life, and finally to determine the correct moral answer to the question of abortion.

Here are the topics we will cover: humanity's right to bodily autonomy, what it means to be alive, that the unborn are Homo sapiens, that all Homo sapiens have a right to bodily autonomy, and finally what the sound moral answer is to whether or not humanity has a right to abort an unwanted pregnancy.

Some of you may become uncomfortable as we uncover the truth, but as with all scientific exploration, it will be worth the trouble and discomfort.

As always, this is a round table event where I look to engage with my audience to better understand their thoughts on these topics. Your encouraged to speak freely. I am currently writing a book about the Science or Morality and conduct these round table events each month to better understand how people react to this new science with the goal of improving my book.

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